Monday, August 16, 2010

Effects of Fifa World Cup 2010 to the Africans

Football is the famous game in the world. Everyone, boys or girls, young or old, love football so much. Every four years, there is one special event held for the football addicts to watch their favorite team to compete. The event is Fifa World Cup.

In year 2010, Fifa World Cup was held in Africa. There are many effects in economy of the Africans from the events and one of them is to the tourism industry in Africa. As this event was held in Africa, the number of tourists has increased. Because of that, the number of hotels booking and demands increased too. Due to the high demands, the constructions of hotels grew rapidly. But sadly, it also gives disadvantages as the population of the Africans was crumpled as they need spaces to built new building for the hotels.

Fifa World Cup also gives effect to the money changing of the Africans. As they are many people from the other countries came and spend their money there, they need to change their money to buy something. It gives a lot of profit to the Africans economy as the value of Africa’s money is too low compared to the other countries.

In addition, Fifa World Cup also gives effects in the economy through the African’s culture as they have various cultures of different races. Africans produce souvenirs such as bracelets and necklaces to increase their money. They also show their culture by dances and the way of life.

As the conclusion, Fifa World Cup gives advantages to the Africans. They gained their profit from their tourism industry, money exchange and their culture due to the World Cup. However, they also have disadvantages faced by Africans such the decreased of spaces to build houses.


Effects of Fifa World Cup 2010 to the Africans

Football is the famous game in the world. Everyone, boys or girls, young or old, love football so much. Every four years, there is one special event held for the football addicts to watch their favorite team to compete. The event is Fifa World Cup.

In year 2010, Fifa World Cup was held in Africa. There are many effects in economy of the Africans from the events and one of them is to the tourism industry in Africa. As this event was held in Africa, the number of tourists has increased. Because of that, the number of hotels booking and demands increased too. Due to the high demands, the constructions of hotels grew rapidly. But sadly, it also gives disadvantages as the population of the Africans was crumpled as they need spaces to built new building for the hotels.

Fifa World Cup also gives effect to the money changing of the Africans. As they are many people from the other countries came and spend their money there, they need to change their money to buy something. It gives a lot of profit to the Africans economy as the value of Africa’s money is too low compared to the other countries.

In addition, Fifa World Cup also gives effects in the economy through the African’s culture as they have various cultures of different races. Africans produce souvenirs such as bracelets and necklaces to increase their money. They also show their culture by dances and the way of life.

As the conclusion, Fifa World Cup gives advantages to the Africans. They gained their profit from their tourism industry, money exchange and their culture due to the World Cup. However, they also have disadvantages faced by Africans such the decreased of spaces to build houses.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Effects of Tourism Industry in Malaysia

According to Oxford Dictionary, tourism means the business of providing and arranging holidays and services for people who are visiting a place. I can convince all of the people that the tourism industry in Malaysia is something that can be proud as it was becoming very successful for the coming years. This can be seen by the programs that have been organized our government to attract the tourists whether local or outsiders such as Citrawarna Malaysia and Visit Malaysia. Basically, it gives direct and indirect impacts to the surroundings. Thus, this essay is going to explain about the effects of tourism industry in Malaysia.

The first thing is the tourism industry in Malaysia gives effect to the property investment in our country. It has created the opportunities for different business ventures in order to address the escalating demands for modern resorts homes. Besides, the real estate industry in United States is having their downfall so that Malaysian investment property has remained stable due to the very few restriction placed on the potential buyers. On the other hand, we already know that Malaysia has many places of attraction that can make keep on coming back. The cost of living in the country is low and that is why visitors from foreign countries are out of reasons to leave the country.

Secondly, it also gives effect to the people of the country or we as the citizens of Malaysia. People can have many jobs opportunities as there are increase in demands of hotels, resorts and shopping complexes. It requires more people to work with them. Moreover, the people in rural areas can promote their villages to the tourists from the other countries and can also show their skills in carving, cooking traditional dishes or something that are related to Malaysian’s cultures. Local people can use their village as an attraction to the tourists, such as home stay project in Kampung Haji Dorani, Selangor.

The next point is tourism industry in Malaysia gives implication to the environment of the country. Basically, tourism and environment has a complex relationship when it involves many activities that can have adverse environmental effects. This is because there are too many constructions of hotels and resorts that are very close to nature. Many of these impacts are linked to the construction of roads, airports and also tourism facilities like golf courses and marinas. Tourism has the potential to create beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to environment protection and conservation.

In a nutshell, we can conclude that Tourism industry in Malaysia gives many effects to the surrounding. We must support the tourism industry in Malaysia as it gives a lot of advantages for us. Malaysia has many interesting places that can be visited with the beloved one rather than going overseas and spending a lot of money there.

Causes of Blooming Nursery Industry in Malaysia

In order to achieve 2020 Vision, the economy in Malaysia is developing, so does the nursery industry. It develops due to a few reasons which are living standard, careered parents and less trust in maids.

Previously, women are housewives and stay at home. However, today is not the same as yesterday. Since the standard of living today increases, women have to help the husband. They have to go out to work to make ends meet. Since both of the parents are working, nobody will take care of their children. As a result, the parents will send them to the nursery which causes it to bloom.

For rich families, both of the parents are busy with their career. Thus, they have no time to take care of their children. In order to give better care for their children, they send them to the nursery. This leads to the blooming of nursery.

Not only that, nursery industry blooms because parents have less trust in maids. Even though maids are capable in housekeeping, not all of them are talented in babysitting. Plus, there are cases like maids ran away and left their employer’s child alone, maids hit their employer’s children and others that make parents have even less trust in them. Every parent wants the best for their children so they send their children to nursery.

There are lots of other reasons that cause the blooming of nursery industry in our country. This industry has been very accommodating to our community especially in giving the perfect care to children. Without this industry, people especially women will have difficulties in handling their work and taking care of their children at the same time.

Written by : Nur Sakinah binti Ahmad Nasaruddin (103633)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Advertisement : Physical or Digital?

According to, advertisement can be defined as “a paid announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines, on radio or television, etc.” This means that advertisement is a way that is used to promote new products in order to persuade customer to buy them. There are two types of advertising which is digital and physical advertising. Television, internet, and radio advertisement are examples of digital advertising. Whereas, newspaper, magazine, and brochure are examples of physical advertising. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast between physical and digital advertisement based on their production cost, access and impact to customers.

The first point, the production cost for physical advertisement is cheaper than digital advertisement. This is because, the main elements that are needed to produce physical advertisements like newspapers, are only paper and ink. In contrast with digital advertisement like television advertisement, even the production of advertisement cost a lot of money, let alone publishing it.

Moving on with the second point, which is its accessibility to customers. For physical advertisement, its accessibility is limited; for instance, magazines which most people only buy them occasionally. Hence, the advertisement is only available to readers who bought the magazines. As for digital advertisement its accessibility is worldwide. The internet would be the best example since it can be accessed by people worldwide and without any limitation.

The third difference between physical and digital advertisements is the impact to the customers. Logically, the impact of physical advertisement is not as immense as digital advertisement. It is undeniable that the impact of brochure advertisement is less than video advertisement. Most people prefer video because they do not have to waste their time to read the brochures. They can just sit back, relax and watch the video advertisement. The impact of video advertisement is more because people will focus more on the extract. Unlike when people read brochures, they tend to focus on reading rather than on the extract itself.

Based on the three aspects mentioned, we can conclude that each type advertisement has its own pros and cons. It does not matter what type of advertisement used, it never fails in influencing people to buy the products.

Written by,
Nur Sakinah binti Ahmad Nasaruddin (103633)
Aisyah Liyana binti Yuserrie (100438)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Paperless and Full of Paper’s Society???

A school where I attended recently gave us the option to save papers by choosing to receive an email copy of its newsletter instead of a mailed paper copy. My friends wanted the email version but I did not. They liked the convenience of only seeing the pages with the class schedules. I liked the convenience of hard copy so that we did not have to go online every time we had schedule questions. So we compromised instead of receiving two mailed copies, we had one emailed and one snail mailed. It is another small victory for the paperless society. However, in my opinion there are still advantages of using manual way of doing work that is using papers. Therefore, this essay is going to compare and contrast between the paperless society and full of papers’ society.

Paper is an important raw material for garbage men and recyclers. It supplies more landfill tonnage than any other materials, and it also is our most easily and commonly recycled material. A paperless society has major implication for both sides of the solid waste equation. People used papers since they were studying in primary school. The paper industry does not think so. Paper production remains healthy for most products. Of course, some are not as strong as they used to be. And newspapers are becoming slimmer as a television and other media siphon off advertising dollars.

Will we have paperless society? I doubt it, but a less-paper society is inevitable. Scientists are hard at work inventing substitutes for most paper products, including “pages” for books and newspapers that do not remotely resemble the paper we know so well. Expert declares that the new office computers made paper irrelevant. Today, most of us laugh when we remember those predictions. But I wonder, were the experts wrong, or just too early? Those first computers did not have the memory to replace paper, making the first attempt to create paperless offices doomed. But has the rise of the internet changes the rule of game? Is a paperless society only a generation away?

The paper industry does not think so. Paper companies will use more paper to make smaller boxes of shipping products sold on the Web than for shipping cases of the same product to a brick and mortar store. Tissues and towels cannot be replaced by Bytes, although the Japanese have invented a paperless toilet. Right now, we are not using less paper as much as we are shifting who pays for it. Besides, I can read the paper more quickly and efficiently on the web than with the paper version. But I still can print out articles that I need to save and think about. This indicates that we are using papers in our daily life.

Undoubtedly, my generation will have trouble using less paper. We are used to reading books, magazines and newspapers on sheets of paper and not on a computer screen. Our generations however, are more adaptable. My friends used to reading mails, newspapers articles online, and they use the Web to research assignment projects. Does anyone even buy paper encyclopedias anymore? I do not think so, as people always seek for convenience in their life.

As conclusion, paperless society and full of papers’ society give us understanding of what kind of society there are. Some think that paperless society are unintelligent as they are depending on what they found in Web or internet but for me, as long as the society knows how to use the knowledge, they will be at the same level with full of papers’ society.



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Life Before and After the Invention of Fast Food

As we all can see, nowadays, fast food is not a new thing to us. We just need to walk along a road and there we can see varieties of fast food outlets. McDonald’s, KFC, A&W so on and so forth, these are the examples of fast food outlets that are located in our country. Since the invention of fast food, there are several changes that affect our lives. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the differences between life before and after the invention of fast food. The three main differences are cost, time saving, and its effect to health.

First of all, we are going to discuss about the cost. Previously, there were no fast food; hence, people during that time eat their own cooking. It is obvious that eating self-cook food saves a lot more money than eating out at the fast food outlet. This is because, self-cook food can be eaten for two or three meals compared to fast food that can only be eaten for one meal. Therefore, life before the invention of fast food is more economical than after the invention.

Since people are getting busier nowadays, eating fast food save more time than eating self-cook food. They can just go to the nearest fast food outlet and order what they prefer to eat. Not only that, fast food outlet also provides other services such as drive-thru and delivery. However, self-cook foods need more time and energy to be prepared and it is almost impossible for busy people to do that.

It is noticeable that eating fast food can give negative effects to our health. For example, eating fast food can make us gain weight and lead to obesity. Whereas, self-cook food give positive effects to our health because we can control the amount of sugar, oil and salt in the ingredients. Besides that, self-cook food can satisfied our appetite.

Even though the invention of fast food gives negative effects to our health, it is actually suitable with our life styles today as people are getting busier. As long as we can control our diet, then it depends on the person oneself.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How Many Times...???

Parents are the most precious person in our life. They are the one who bought us to this world. Without them, we are not able to be who we are right now.

How many times do we show our love to them as they show their love to us? How many times do we care about their feelings as they try to care and understand our feelings? How many times do we pray for them as they pray for us? How many times do we hurt them as they try so hard not to hurt us? They try so hard to fulfill our every wish. They try so hard to make us happy and make sure that we do not shed any tear. But what do we do in return their sacrifices? Not only we shatter their hopes and ignore their feelings, we even make them cry and disappointed them. How could we do these to ouu parents???

They do not even request any rewards from us. All they need is just a little appreciation by seeing our respect to them and our success. People always take for granted for whom they love the most but when that person is gone, then they realized how precious that person are. Unfortunately, it is too late and time can never be turned back. Therefore, love your parents before it's too late, before God take them, away from your life, FOREVER...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How Gulf Countries Get Their Water

In these millennia, water can be similized as oxygen. Without water, it is almost impossible for living things to survive. We use water in massive number every single day to fulfil our basic necessities such as cooking, bathing and cleaning. It is so important that it even erupt a war; The Bolivian Water War of 2000. This essay is going to explain on problems that gulf countries face to obtain water and how they get their water.

Our country has sufficient sources of water because we are blessed with consistent rain throughout each year. We even have vast stretch of seas and rivers providing us enough water. However, have you ever thought about the gulf countries? The Oman’s for instance, face blaring heat everyday because they have very little annual rainfall. Since their countries are very hot and dry, the view of seas, rivers or ponds are almost impossible. Somehow, they manage to survive there.

According to Palm Water LLC, gulf countries spend around $133 billion in water and wastewater management annually. Making the price of water way too high compared to the price of gold. One of their ways of obtaining water is by wastewater reclamation and desalination. Water reclamation is a process where wastewater from homes is cleaned using biological and chemical treatment. Then, the water is returned to the environment safely to enhance the natural systems from which it came. It is used today as both an aquifer and stream enhancement strategy. While desalination is a process where salt and other minerals are removed from sea water. This would produce filtered water for drinking. They have to go a lot of hardships in order to get clean water for daily lives usage. It is proven how hard it is for them just to have water for drinking and bathing.

Therefore as Malaysians, we should be grateful and thankful that we never run out of water and never need too much effort in obtaining such necessities compared to those in gulf countries. We should never take water for granted, such as littering into the river, seas and ponds without the slightest guilt.

Saturday, June 26, 2010



Water is one of the most important things on earth. Every things in earth needs water to survive. The things including plants,trees and animals. Without animals,they will die or perish. Human also needs water to survive in their life. Do you know that human bodies composed of about 75% the amount of water. Literally,human are just like walking bags of water.

Water allows our blood to flow easily as it controls the concentration of human blood in our body. Hence, it makes blood to flow through the blood vessels and supplying the body with nutrient and oxygen that is compulsory to human life. In addition, it allows waste materials from our body to be eliminated through the excretory system. Human need of water are significantly when we are thirsty. We will feel the pleasure while drinking water as it going down. Hence it is vital for our life.

Apart from drinking, water is important for washing, cleaning and just about any activity in our life. Without water, our life is virtually impossible. Why I am saying this because every part of human life needs water. We can imagine from the civilization of man started near the rivers, where man began to establish themselves on the earth. In parts of the world, the major rivers played a major part in the evolution of man. As illustration, the previous man used the river as their main sources of food such fish and so on. Besides, they used the rivers as the sources of traveling anywhere, planting trees and so on.

Water provides man with an important means of travel. In ancient times, man explored the earth through the sea. Today the waterways of the world are still of major importance to mankind. Huge oil tankers, container ships and other ply these routes. In fact many of sea routes are overcrowded. This shows that water is important in all kinds of activities.

When there is a shortage of water such as when there is a drought, then we would know how terrible the consequences from what has happened. Plant, animal and human will be perish as the effect of lacking of water for a long period of time. The land will become dry, nothing grows in the land. When there is a little rain, there will be a little life. Nobody will survive there for a long time instead of just one or two days. People who live here would very appreciated the value of water as it is valuable for them. We, who live on the land where water are plentiful, think nothing of standing under the shower for half of an hour.

As long as there is a life in earth, water will be here too. Without it, life as we know is impossible for human being to live with no water everywhere. Thus it is important for us to know how precious of water for mankind. We should not to waste it or pollute it by any means. Remember the last words, water is priceless.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our first ever essay together

The graph provides information about the patterns of domestic access to modern technology in the UK.

Generally, the patterns of all the domestic access rose throughout the six years which is from 1996/97 untill 2002/03. There are four kinds of domestic access studied from this graph, which is CD players, mobile phones, home computers and internet access.

The percentage for CD player rose gradually which is from 60% in 1996/97 to around 80% in 2002/03. It is almost the same for the percentage of home computers. The percentage of home computers rose steadily from around 20% in 1996/97 to around 60% in 2002/03.

By contrast, the percentage for the changing patterns of home computers fluctuated slightly, and the trend was upward. The pattern rose gradually from around 20% in 1996/97 to around 30% 1998/99, then it increased suddenly to around 45% in 1999/2000. Then, it rose gradually to around 47% in 2000/01, followed by a dramatic increase to around 65% in 2001/02. Then it rose back steadily to around 70% in 2002/03.

It is noticeable that the percentage for internet access started in the year 1998/99. It rose rapidly from 10% to 45% in 2002/03. The percentage rose about 35% during the four years period.

p/s: madam can you please check our grammar?
thank you. ;)