Sunday, August 1, 2010

Advertisement : Physical or Digital?

According to, advertisement can be defined as “a paid announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines, on radio or television, etc.” This means that advertisement is a way that is used to promote new products in order to persuade customer to buy them. There are two types of advertising which is digital and physical advertising. Television, internet, and radio advertisement are examples of digital advertising. Whereas, newspaper, magazine, and brochure are examples of physical advertising. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast between physical and digital advertisement based on their production cost, access and impact to customers.

The first point, the production cost for physical advertisement is cheaper than digital advertisement. This is because, the main elements that are needed to produce physical advertisements like newspapers, are only paper and ink. In contrast with digital advertisement like television advertisement, even the production of advertisement cost a lot of money, let alone publishing it.

Moving on with the second point, which is its accessibility to customers. For physical advertisement, its accessibility is limited; for instance, magazines which most people only buy them occasionally. Hence, the advertisement is only available to readers who bought the magazines. As for digital advertisement its accessibility is worldwide. The internet would be the best example since it can be accessed by people worldwide and without any limitation.

The third difference between physical and digital advertisements is the impact to the customers. Logically, the impact of physical advertisement is not as immense as digital advertisement. It is undeniable that the impact of brochure advertisement is less than video advertisement. Most people prefer video because they do not have to waste their time to read the brochures. They can just sit back, relax and watch the video advertisement. The impact of video advertisement is more because people will focus more on the extract. Unlike when people read brochures, they tend to focus on reading rather than on the extract itself.

Based on the three aspects mentioned, we can conclude that each type advertisement has its own pros and cons. It does not matter what type of advertisement used, it never fails in influencing people to buy the products.

Written by,
Nur Sakinah binti Ahmad Nasaruddin (103633)
Aisyah Liyana binti Yuserrie (100438)

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